Emergency Optometrist Richmond

Accident or Eye Pain? We Can Help!

Woman rubbing her eye in discomfort needing emergency optometrist

Our team at Richmond Eye Experts is well-equipped to handle minor eye emergencies such as infections (pink eye), scratched corneas, contact lens related emergencies or foreign body removal. Don't hesitate to call us! One of our Richmond emergency optometrists will typically see the patient right away or as soon as possible. We also advise patients to see us as soon as possible for other sudden changes like flashes, floaters, or sudden disturbances with your vision.

Why Choose Richmond Eye Experts for Eye Emergencies?

  • Convenient Evening and Saturday Appointments Available
  • All Patients Welcome—Even Children
  • In-Network with Many Insurance Plans

How We Treat Eye Emergencies

Emergency optometrist in Richmond giving a patient an eye exam

When you call with your eye emergency, we will give you advice for handling the situation until you get to our office. Once you arrive, we will perform several examinations and tests to properly diagnose the issue. From there, we will determine the best course of action that will relieve your pain and address the underlying cause.

The Most Common Eye Emergencies

Although many things can happen to your eyes, making a complete list of emergencies nearly impossible, here are just some of the most common ones you may face.

Icon of a lightning bolt next to an eye

Eye Injury/Trauma

Bloodshot eye icon

Eye Pain

Icon of a magnifying glass next to an eye

Foreign Object

Icon of a droplet next to an eye

Chemical Burn

Icon of an eyeball with lines indicating vision pathway

Sudden Vision Changes

Icon of a bloodshot eyeball

Red Eye

Icon of two eyes with differently sized pupils

Different Sized Pupils

Icon of an eye with several small floaters

Flashes/ Floaters

How Much Will an Emergency Eye Doctor Visit Cost Me?

Optometrist smiling while handing something to a patient

Don't wait to treat an emergency—it could lead to more expensive complications down the road. We are in-network providers for most Health Insurance plans. For patients without insurance coverage, we offer competitive discounted rates. Emergency consultations start at $95.00 for new patients and $75.00 for existing patients.